CountZero R1 Competition

CTF challenge [write-up]

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Count Zero | Round 1 { Network } CTF challenge write-up

Flags Storm (The challenge)

given a .pcap file with a big number of packets & many questions .. So lets solve all of them

Q1.What is the total number of packets & How many TCP conversations?

flag format: countZero{Packets_TCPconversations}

We can get the total number of packets from the status bar For TCP conversations, we can get them from Statistics > Conversations > TCP [Number] :

Flag: countZero{7621_144}

Q2.What is the password used in the Telnet session?

flag format: countZero{some words here}

Since there is a big number of packets (7621), we can use telnet filter to display only telnet packets (186 only) :

Then we can follow the tcp stream from 1st packet and we will get the password of the session which is the flag:

Flag: countZero{An0Th3R_$tr1nG}

Q3.What is the Source & Destination MAC Address of the malformed packet in the Telnet?

flag format: countZero{Source_Destination}

The question is asking about the malformed packet so if we back to the challenge and apply telnet filter we will get this packet, then we can identify the source & destination mac addressess as you can see in this image:

Flag: countZero{00:0c:29:ab:84:38_00:0c:29:21:bb:ab}

Q4.There is a hidden comment encoded or encrypted, Can you find & decrypt it?

flag format: countZero{some words here}

There are too many ways to get a comment from pcap file such as;

  1. Going to Statistics > Capture File Properties & scrolling down to find the comments in the last line:

  1. Going to Analyze > Expert Information & check the comments:

3-We can use pkt_comment filter to display only packets that contains a comment:

The comment seems to be a Base64, After decoding it we will get the flag in the right format:

Flag: countZero{Well!I_Hate_$tr1nGs}

Q5.There is important data hidden in protected archive file, What is it?

flag format: countZero{some words here}

After Analysing the pcap file, I noticed that there are some files in HTTP objects, one of them is archive which name is Attachment.rar :

So I saved it (You can do it by following these steps: File > Export object > HTTP > Save):

Once I opened this file it asked for a password:

Remember that We have a hint: Take a look on the HTTP headers of the same request of archive

So lets check HTTP headers..

By following the tcp stream of the http get request that contains Attachment.rar file:

we will notice that there is a cookie named _pass with value tpass&Ad1Min80-107

By using this value tpass&Ad1Min80-107 as the password of the archive, we will get 3 files from the archive file which there is one of them flag.txt contains our flag as you can see in the next image:

Flag: countZero{3xfiltra_ted_@rc!ve_0n_th3_W!Ld}

Q6.What is the DNS Address, Record Type & The full Domain Name of “vulnweb” website?

flag format: countZero{Address_Type_DomainName}

We can use frame contains "vulnweb" filter to show only packets that contains vulnweb and it will display only 2 dns packets, then we can get the answer of our question:

from the last image:

Flag: countZero{}

Q7.Malware can hide important data in images, can you check them?

flag format: c0unt_Z3r0{some words here}

Backing to HTTP objects, We will notice png image as we see her:

Just save & open it you will get the flag:

Flag: c0unt_Z3r0{Th!s_1s_a_Go0D_Try}