3 min to read
CountZero R1 Competition
CTF challenge [write-up]

Count Zero | Round 1 { Network } CTF challenge write-up
Flags Storm (The challenge)
given a .pcap file with a big number of packets & many questions .. So lets solve all of them
Q1.What is the total number of packets & How many TCP conversations?
flag format: countZero{Packets_TCPconversations}
We can get the total number of packets from the status bar
For TCP conversations, we can get them from Statistics > Conversations > TCP [Number]
Flag: countZero{7621_144}
Q2.What is the password used in the Telnet session?
flag format: countZero{some words here}
Since there is a big number of packets (7621), we can use telnet
filter to display only telnet packets (186 only) :
Then we can follow the tcp stream from 1st packet and we will get the password of the session which is the flag:
Flag: countZero{An0Th3R_$tr1nG}
Q3.What is the Source & Destination MAC Address of the malformed packet in the Telnet?
flag format: countZero{Source_Destination}
The question is asking about the malformed packet so if we back to the challenge and apply telnet
filter we will get this packet, then we can identify the source & destination mac addressess as you can see in this image:
Flag: countZero{00:0c:29:ab:84:38_00:0c:29:21:bb:ab}
Q4.There is a hidden comment encoded or encrypted, Can you find & decrypt it?
flag format: countZero{some words here}
There are too many ways to get a comment from pcap file such as;
- Going to
Statistics > Capture File Properties
& scrolling down to find the comments in the last line:
- Going to
Analyze > Expert Information
& check the comments:
3-We can use pkt_comment
filter to display only packets that contains a comment:
The comment seems to be a Base64, After decoding it we will get the flag in the right format:
Flag: countZero{Well!I_Hate_$tr1nGs}
Q5.There is important data hidden in protected archive file, What is it?
flag format: countZero{some words here}
After Analysing the pcap file, I noticed that there are some files in HTTP objects, one of them is archive which name is Attachment.rar
So I saved it (You can do it by following these steps: File > Export object > HTTP > Save
Once I opened this file it asked for a password:
Remember that We have a hint: Take a look on the HTTP headers of the same request of archive
So lets check HTTP headers..
By following the tcp stream of the http get request that contains Attachment.rar
we will notice that there is a cookie named _pass
with value tpass&Ad1Min80-107
By using this value tpass&Ad1Min80-107
as the password of the archive, we will get 3 files from the archive file which there is one of them flag.txt
contains our flag as you can see in the next image:
Flag: countZero{3xfiltra_ted_@rc!ve_0n_th3_W!Ld}
Q6.What is the DNS Address, Record Type & The full Domain Name of “vulnweb” website?
flag format: countZero{Address_Type_DomainName}
We can use frame contains "vulnweb"
filter to show only packets that contains vulnweb and it will display only 2 dns packets, then we can get the answer of our question:
from the last image:
- DNS address:
- Record Type:
- Domain:
Flag: countZero{}
Q7.Malware can hide important data in images, can you check them?
flag format: c0unt_Z3r0{some words here}
Backing to HTTP objects, We will notice png image as we see her:
Just save & open it you will get the flag:
Flag: c0unt_Z3r0{Th!s_1s_a_Go0D_Try}